Bogga - 1



The technological progress in the field of dentistry is advancing rapidly, and precision diagnosis and treatment of the oral cavity have also been valued and gradually popularized by dentists. Baadhitaanka saxda ah iyo daaweynta si dabiici ah looma kala saari karo.

Afka Microscope afka afka ahqalliin microscopeloogu talagalay daaweynta rugta caafimaad ee afka, oo sidoo kale loo yaqaanmicroscope ilkaha. observe the intricate structure of teeth through magnification, making treatment precise and reducing other damage to dental tissue. CodsigaQalliinka microspicationswaa taariikh muhiim u ah taariikhda horumarka daawada afka. It has brought clinical treatment work in dentistry from the era of visual observation to the era of microscopic observation, which has epoch-making significance.

microscopes ilkahaU adeegso astaamaha weyn ee la weydaarsiyadooda iyo iftiinka si ay ugu suurtogeliyaan dhakhaatiirta ilkaha si loo gaaro aragti cad oo muuqata oo horey loo isticmaali karo. Inta lagu gudajiro qalliinka, cad-cad oo la weyneeyo sawirrada qalliinka ee aagga qalliinka ayaa laga heli karaa, oo ka dhigaya hawlgallada qalliinka oo ka sahlan oo kaamil ah.


In the past, due to limitations in equipment and materials, the treatment of these difficult cases was often difficult to carry out or only based on the doctor's intuition. Daaweynta saxarada casriga ah ee casriga ah, oo ay kaashadaanQalliinka microspications

microscopes ilkahato periodontal and implant surgeries. Adeegsiga

Waqtiga Post: Dec-16-2024